Complete set of practical monitoring utilities for Stratus/VOS
User friendly GUI using Internet Explorer version 6.0 and above.
Stand-alone functionality - no additional software is required - just the standard Internet Explorer.
Quick setup - takes only minutes to install and requires no configuration.
Cost effectiveness - no measurable overhead and impact on the system.
Security benefits
What are the security considerations when migrating Telnet-based (mainly FMS) application to the Browser using the new VOS-Console (VC) software? When changing an FMS application to VC, you are swapping port 23 (Telnet) with port 5002. While this may look like a straightforward one-to-one swap, there are significant security benefits behind it.
The problem with Telnet (FMS) is that it provides the user with direct access to the Stratus/VOS operating system which presents significant risks and security issues. To compensate this risk we have to apply additional controls and software packages such as the Menu system or other command-shells to prevent the user from breaking out to VOS' command prompt. With VC, these risks, and operational issues are eliminated simply because the user has no access to the operating system -- access is limited only to VC monitoring facility and Scheduler functions. This is the main, key difference.
"The Helping Hands in Telecommunications"
Other benefits:
- VC allows access only to registered users.
- VC inherits all the features of VOS' login-admin and password management features and benefits.
- VC maintains a detailed audit log - every action is recorded under the user-name.
- VC allows the registration of VC-Only users.
- VC-only users can not log into the Stratus any other way (Telnet/MD-Term, FTP etc.). This only possible with VC.
- VC uses standard access privileges (ACL/DCL) - certain users may only have read/execute rights.
- VC allows the SysAdmin to disable/enable different functions on a per user basis.
- VC secures E-mail delivery (optional) by sending messages only to known recipients.
- VC provides a familiar Browser/GUI interface and reduces the training costs and operational risks associated with users working in an unfamiliar environment such as VOS.
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State of Florida Minority Vendor
State of Florida
Woman & Minority
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